REM Capoeira Norwalk
Professor Careca Norwalk CT 203-216-7195 REMCapoeiranorwalk@gmail.com
Professor Careca
Nicholas Bova (Professor Careca) With over a decade of experience in the Capoeira world, teaching capoeira for the last 8 years 6 with Mestre Efraim and 5 years in other programs. The twang of the berimbau, the swing of the ginga I am instantly magnitized by the sound of the berimbau. We provide the conditions for Capoeira to happen offering classes to children and adults. Afterschool programs and demonstrations. Capoeira gives me power to engage communities and individuals. “My goal is to illuminate the personal power and desire within individuals to reach there highest potential, physically, mentally, spiritually and psychologically via the various forms of expression within afro-Brazilian culture.” “Capoeira a modern sport rooted in ancient practices. “ –Professor Careca, Capoeirista and Cognitive Scientist.
Videos of Careca training and Playing